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Department of Law, Business, and Economics

Information Systems Research, in particular on Connected Energy Storage - Prof. Dr. Marie-Louise Arlt

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Potraitbild_Prof. Dr. Marie-Louise Arlt

Prof. Dr. Marie-Louise Arlt

Assistant Professor
Phone: +49 – (0) 921 - 55 – 4975
E-Mail: arlt@uni-bayreuth.de
X: @maloarlt
Personal website: www.marielouisearlt.com

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  • Marie-Louise Arlt is an assistant professor at the University of Bayreuth and the Bavarian Center for Battery Technology (BayBatt). Her research focuses on new technologies in the energy and mobility sectors and how to leverage economic tools and institutions to enable their optimal integration and deployment to mitigate climate change. She works at the interface of economics, information systems, and engineering.

  • Previously, Marie-Louise Arlt was a Junior Research Group Leader at the ifo Institute in Munich and a Postdoctoral fellow at the Chair for Comparative Economics at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme). She graduated from Freiburg University in October 2020 and, during her PhD studies, has worked at and with Stanford University, SLAC, and Lawrence Berkeley Lab. She has visited ETH Zurich in spring 2022.

  • You find the CV here.

Potraitbild_Bianca Jochum

Bianca Jochum

Team Assistant
Phone: +49 – (0) 921 - 55 – 4928
E-Mail: bianca.jochum@uni-bayreuth.de


Anna Saile

PhD Student
Phone: +49 - (0) 921 - 55 - 4976
E-Mail: anna.saile@uni-bayreuth.de

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  • Anna Saile is a PhD Student at the University of Bayreuth and the Bavarian Center for Battery Technology (BayBatt). She will be working on the integration of flexible load into electricity markets.

  • Anna completed her Bachelor's degree in Tübingen, where she studied International Economics and Middle Eastern Studies until 2022. Last year, she focused on energy economics and the environmental aspects of electricity markets which was part of her Master's degree in Economics of Energy, Climate Change and Sustainability at the Barcelona School of Economics. During this time, she developed a research interest in electricity market design features that can promote the sustainable energy transition, such as flexible pricing schemes and the role of battery storage e.g. through electric vehicles.


Meixi Wan

Study programme: Business Administration (M.Sc.)
Research Assistant

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Julian Emmert

Study programme: Economics (B.Sc.)
Research Assistant

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